Friday, 7 October 2011

Doritos planning

Location: The Moat

Actors: Jack Block and Anonymous

Storyline: Jack and Anonymous are practicing back flips when suddenly someone leaves a pack of Doritos on a bench. Jack and Anonymous look at each other, then, as one, start towards the Doritos. Jumping over obstacles and various other objects.
As they close in on the Doritos, Jack overtakes and jumps over the bench and at the same time grabs the Doritos.

Problems:                                                           Solution:

Could Be Crowded.                     Find a day when it isn’t by checking.

Weather.                                      Think about positioning, sun away from the lens.

Potential Injuries.                         Pre visualize, take precautions.

Actors- No show.                          Fill in + Get another cameraman.

Arrange: Make it happen.               When: Before next Friday!!

Permission.                                  Don’t have to ask, Could ask, But will limit time.

What to put in Storyboard?
 Photographs: What Shots/ Angles. Tell us what’s happening.

Video of All Angles and Such

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


My name is Taylor Russen
Im 14
I lived in Spain For about 7-8 years and Am fluent in Spanish
I live in Norfolk now.
My favourite films are The Harry Potter Series and The Pirates of the Carriabean films.
My favourite food is Pasta Bake.
Im a Comedian of sorts I guess.
I don't really know what to write at the minute, Oh yeah, Im a hardcore gamer and have been for 14 years :D